Cotton production was evaluated for three row spacing (7.5, 15, and 30-inch) systems with plant populations ranging from 30 to 90 thousand plants per acre under dryland conditions in Hill County near Whitney, TX in 1996 and 1997. Overall, lint yield was substantially higher (37 and 21%, 1996 and 1997, respectively) for cotton grown in ultra-narrow rows, i.e., 7.5 and 15-inch compared to 30-inch rows. Regression analyses revealed that as plant density increased, cotton yield in 30-inch rows declined, while yield in 7.5 and 15-inch rows increased. Boll number per acre was responsible for the higher yield of the ultra narrow row systems. Individual boll weight and seed number were not influenced by row spacing or plant density. Plants grown on 7.5 and 15-inch rows set more bolls on lower fruiting branches than plants grown in the 30-inch rows, which suggests ultra-narrow row systems improve earliness in crop harvest and reduce late season yield losses and costs associated with insects.