A draft of "A Plan for Boll Weevil Eradication in Texas" was developed by R. E. Frisbie and J. R. Brazzel in 1992.. They stated that "For the purpose of this plan, eradication is defined as the elimination of the boll weevil as an economic pest from cotton". Scott and Lukefahr (1997) outlined multiple actions for a suppression plan for the Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV) of Texas (USA) and Tamaulipas (Mexico). With one exception I think that their plan focuses on actions which would suppress populations of the boll weevil and be economically and environmentally acceptable in this subtropical area. This exception is the need for automatic (or pre-emptive) applications of insecticides in the spring to first pinhead squares. My critique of this action is summarized in Wolfenbarger (1998). Here, I wish to outline a suppression program against the boll weevil for the LRGV. Actions support most of those of Scott and Lukefahr (1997). We want this program to involve a series of actions year-round and not just the use of an insecticide during the growing season. This concept is not new, but the actions have not been defined. No attempt is made here to outline a program for other areas in the United States or Mexico.