Two methods were tested for thrips control in the Mississippi Delta from 1993-97: At planting applications (in-furrow granules, in-furrow sprays, and seed treatments) and foliar sprays. Most of the at-planting thrips control treatments recommended in the Mississippi Cotton Insect Control Guide have been tested in two or more field experiments during the five year period. In-furrow granule (IFG) products were Temik 15G®, Disyston 15G®, Thimet 20G®, and Payload 15G®. In-furrow spray (IFS) products were Disyston 8E® and Orthene 90S®. The seed treatment (ST) product tested was Gaucho 480®. All products tested significantly reduced thrips infestation and in some cases increased yield. Temik (0.5 and 0.75 lb ai/A) was the most consistent product tested based on thrips infestation reduction and yield increase. Gaucho seed treatment has proved to be comparable to in-furrow granules and sprays in most cases based on thrips control and yield protection. Potential thrips control foliar spray treatments were compared to products currently recommended in the Mississippi Cotton Insect Control Guide. Products tested in one or more field trials during the five-year period, which provided equally effective or more effective thrips control than currently recommended products were Pirate®, Karate®, Decis®, and Regent® (fipronil). Baythroid® provided good thrips control in a test in 1995 but was less effective in two trials in 1997. Provado® provided significant thrips control but there was some evidence that it was slower acting than some other products. Disyston 8E foliar spray treatment appeared to have been tested at a rate (0.2 lb ai/A) too low for effective thrips control.