A resistance management program was initiated in Arizona in 1995, the initial goal of which was to sustain the efficacy of imidacloprid (Admire¨) against Bemisia in vegetable crops. Due to the anticipated registration of additional chloronicotinyl (and related neonicotinyl) insecticides in Arizona, project objectives were subsequently broadened to address management of this entire class of insecticides in Arizona field crops. Results from three years of statewide monitoring of whiteflies from cotton indicated that whitefly populations in Arizona have become significantly less susceptible to imidacloprid in each of the past two years and significant geographical differences were described. However, no evidence was found of reduced field performance of imidacloprid in vegetables. Additionally, laboratory studies subjecting Arizona whiteflies to selection with imidacloprid did not increase levels of resistance beyond those occurring in the field. A study exploring the influences of cropping systems differences on imidacloprid use (Admire¨ and Provado¨) revealed no major differences in susceptibility to this insecticide between populations of whiteflies in central and southwestern Arizona. However, distinct seasonal shifts to lower susceptibility from 1996 to 1997 were observed in the Dome Valley of Southwestern Arizona. Susceptibility of Arizona whitefly populations to imidacloprid was highly correlated with susceptibility to acetamiprid but was unrelated to susceptibility to CGA-293343. There is an urgent need to harmonize chemical use and resistance management efforts in Arizona cotton, vegetables and melons to avoid conflicts resulting from movement of pests between crops.