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Thirty consultant demonstrations were conducted across the mid-south and southeastern cotton growing regions. Thirteen demonstrations were conducted on Bollgard™ cotton and seventeen demonstrations were conducted on non-B.t. cotton. Consultants selected Bayer insecticides which they considered effective on specific pest situations and compared them to competitive standards in the same field. Consultant reports indicated Baythroid was the most commonly recommended Bayer product and was used at least once in each of the non-B.t. cotton trials and in 10 of the Bollgard™ demonstrations. Guthion was also heavily recommended for weevil control and Provado was used extensively for plant bug and aphid control. Consultants were able to control all cotton pests encountered on either cotton type utilizing Bayer products. Both Bayer products and competitive standards provided good insect control. Data from consultant demonstrations indicated a positive yield response when Bayer cotton insecticides were used in either Bollgard™ or non-B.t. cotton compared to competitive standards. Thirty consultant demonstrations were conducted across the mid-south and southeastern cotton growing regions. Thirteen demonstrations were conducted on Bollgard™ cotton and seventeen demonstrations were conducted on non-B.t. cotton. Consultants selected Bayer insecticides which they considered effective on specific pest situations and compared them to competitive standards in the same field. Consultant reports indicated Baythroid was the most commonly recommended Bayer product and was used at least once in each of the non-B.t. cotton trials and in 10 of the Bollgard™ demonstrations. Guthion was also heavily recommended for weevil control and Provado was used extensively for plant bug and aphid control. Consultants were able to control all cotton pests encountered on either cotton type utilizing Bayer products. Both Bayer products and competitive standards provided good insect control. Data from consultant demonstrations indicated a positive yield response when Bayer cotton insecticides were used in either Bollgard™ or non-B.t. cotton compared to competitive standards. |
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN |
Document last modified Sunday, Dec 6 1998