Putting it All Together in the Texas High Plains: A Producer Workshop
Randy Boman, Harold Kaufman, Jim Leser, Clyde Crumley, Tommy Doederlein, Phillip Kidd, Jim Bordovsky, John Gannaway, Wayne Keeling, Terry Wheeler, Norman Hopper, Peter Dotray and Alan Brashears
Optimizing production is the main challenge facing cotton producers today. Considerable information and technology are available, and integration of all components into a profitable crop production strategy can be a formidable task. A model for production on highly erodible sandy soils using conservation tillage and low energy precision application (LEPA) center-pivot irrigation was presented as an example of a systems approach to management. Experts involved with the evolution of the Lamesa AGCARES facility and others were present to discuss the required inputs to obtain optimized production in such a system. A time line which described several critical producer challenges and appropriate responses encountered during a typical growing season was used. Small grains cover cropping has proven to be extremely valuable for reducing wind erosion and the effects of wind/sand damage to seedling plants in areas with highly erodible soils. Management of the cover crop to realize the full protection potential while minimizing excessive water use is essential. The upper limit to cotton yield can be dictated by the stand that is obtained. To insure obtaining an adequate stand, only high quality (vigor) seed should be planted. Producers should have their seed tested before planting each year.