Boll weevil movement, as measured by pheromone trap captures of adults, was compared in three areas of Texas including north central area (Knox county), the southeast area (Houston county), and southwest central area (Uvalde county). The studies were conducted from 1995 to 1997. The results of these comparisons demonstrated that the captures of first boll weevils in the spring occurs in January to March in Uvalde county and March to April in Houston and Knox counties. A greater percentage of the overwintered boll weevils emerge before first 1/3 grown square in Knox county compared with Uvalde and Houston counties. These tests found little difference between the date of the last capture of boll weevils in the fall in the three areas and that there was at least an equal chance of capturing a boll weevil five miles from cotton as next to cotton. More boll weevils were captured per trap in the spring in the Knox county area than in the other two areas; however, there appeared to be little or no difference in boll weevil trap catches in the fall. There was a more clearly defined spring peak trap capture of boll weevils in the Knox county area than the other two test areas.