From 1993 to 1997 more than 25 randomized and replicated small plot cotton insecticide studies have been conducted by DuPont at the University of Arizona, Maricopa Agricultural Center. In these studies, more than 28 different insecticides have been evaluated alone and/or in combination for efficacy on Lygus bugs and whitefly. Impact on secondary pests and beneficial insects were monitored, and all experiments were taken to yield. Lygus adults have been considerably more difficult to control than nymphs for all insecticides tested. Vydate®C-LV, Orthene®and Monitor®applied at 0.5-1.0 lbai/ac have clearly demonstrated the most effective knockdown and residual control of Lygus nymphs. The highest labeled rates have provided the longest residual activity on Lygus nymphs and the highest seed cotton yields.