Several trials were initiated in 1997, to evaluate the length of residual weed control of Command 3 ME plus fluometuron with and without Staple postemergence and to evaluate Command 3 ME plus fluometuron preemergence followed by Staple postemergence in a systems approach to weed control in cotton compared to competitive programs. Soil applied treatments with Command 3 ME controlled problem weeds in cotton better and longer into the season than Prowl + fluometuron or Zorial + fluometuron applied PRE. Staple applied postemergence following the preemergence treatments generally lengthened weed control in the Command plus fluometuron treatments but not always in competitive treatments. In a systems approach, preemergence treatments that contained Command at 0.5 to 1.0 lb ai/ac and followed by Staple postemergence, controlled troublesome weeds in cotton equal to or better than competitive treatments.