Conservation tillage can conserve moisture, reduce erosion, prevent non-point pollution and in some instances enhance crop yields. It can also lower production costs because conservation tillage requires less trips over the field with mechanical equipment. Cotton producers have been reluctant to accept minimum till or no-till practices. Currently, about seven percent of the cotton produced in the U.S. is managed under some form of reduced tillage and about one percent is grown using No-Till techniques. Therefore, approximately one million acres of cotton in the U.S. was grown in 1997 using some form of reduced tillage system. Probably, the most important factor in a successful no-till or minimum till system of cotton production is weed control. The increasing availability of herbicide resistant cotton varieties should improve the ability of more producers to manage cotton profitable under a reduced or no-till system. Another factor in cost savings besides fewer trips over the field involves less capital replacement and less interest expense on machinery.