The first papers on host plant resistance given before the Improvement Conference was at the third meeting in Memphis. One was by Loden and Wilson on the effects of temperature on germination and seedling growth, and the other was by Brinkerhoff and Green on frequency of bacterial blight resistant plants in 20 varieties. The Southwest became the area for developing bacterial blight resistant cottons. Discoveries by Simpson and Weinding at Knoxville were utilized by Blank at College Station. This resulted in activity at Lubbock by Ray and Jones, at Paymaster (in Aiken, Texas) by Loden and Adams, and at Greenville, Texas by Hooton, and Porter. Moosberg initiated his blight resistance research at Greenville and continued it in Marianna, Arkansas. Brinkerhoff and Green's efforts in Oklahoma were productive. Blanks move to New Mexico resulted in resistant varieties in the Acala 1517 cottons. Blank was certainly the father of the first blight resistant varieties developed and released in the Southwest. To encourage breeding for bacterial blight resistance the College Station program maintained cultures of several races of the pathogen. The cultures were made available on request to the public and private programs across the belt.