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Use of Hopper-Box Treatments in Combination with Reduced Rates of In-Furrow Fungicides to Control Cotton Seedling Diseases

G.L. Sciumbato


In-furrow applied fungicides were evaluated at their lowest recommended rate and at reduced rates alone or in combination with hopper-box fungicides for the control of cotton seedling diseases. Plots were inoculated to increase disease pressure. In general, the lowest recommended rate and three-forths for granular in-furrow formulations and one-half for liquid formulation preformed comparably. Addition of a hopper-box treatment was additative and increased fungicide efficacy with granular formulations but not with liquid formations. In-furrow fungicides were the most efficious when disease pressure was high. The liquid formulations preformed slightly better than the granular formulations when the same amount of active ingredient was applied.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 1996 Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 223 - 226
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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Document last modified Sunday, Dec 6 1998