Field experiments were conducted in 1995 to evaluate BXN cotton for herbicide tolerance and yield potential. Another objective was to evaluate different weed control systems in strip tilled cotton. The treatments included: 1) Buctril 1 pt. EPOT fb Buctril 2 pt. LPOT 2) Zorial .75 PP fb Zorial .75 + Cotoran 1.2 lb ai/A PRE 3) Zorial .75 PP fb Zorial .75 + Cotoran 1.2 lb ai/A PRE fb Buctril 1 pt. EPOT 4) Zorial PP fb Zorial .75 + Cotoran 1.2 PRE fb Staple 0.63 lb ai/A 5) Zorial .75 PP fb Zorial .75 + Cotoran 1.2 PRE fb Cotoran 1.0 + MSMA 1 qt./A DIR 6) Command .75 + Cotoran 1.2 lb ai/A PRE 7) Command .75 + Cotoran 1.2 PRE fb Buctril .5 pt./A EPOT 8) Command .75 + Cotoran 1.2 PRE fb Staple .063 lb ai/A EPOT 9) Command .75 + Cotoran 1.2 PRE fb Cotoran 1.0 + MSMA 1 qt./A DIR 10) Zorial .75 + Cotoran 1.2 lb ai/A PRE fb Buctril 1 pt. EPOT fb Buctril 2 pt./A LPOT 11) Cotoran 1.2 lb ai/A PRE fb Buctril 1 pt. EPOT fb Buctril 2 pt./A LPOT and 12) an untreated check. Weed species evaluated were pigweed (Amaranthus sp.), morning-glory (Ipomea sp.), sicklepod (Cassia obtusifolia), dayflower (Commelina diffusa), carpetweed (Mollugo verticillata), horseweed (Conyza canadensis), purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) and grass (Digitaria sp.). Stand counts were made two weeks and plant heights taken 60 days after planting. The lint yield was determined by multiplying the seed cotton by 35%. The Command + Cotoran treatments with a postemergence application of Buctril, Staple or Cotoran + MSMA, had fewer and shorter plants than in the Check. The yields with Command were lower than with Zorial when followed by Buctril or Staple. Buctril had poor control of grass, purple nutsedge and sicklepod. The addition of Cotoran or Zorial + Cotoran mproved weed control and yields over Buctril applied alone.