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Minimum Tillage Weed Control on Clay Soils

H.R. Hurst


'DES 119' cotton was planted no-till on a Sharkey clay May 21, 1993; April 20, 1994; and April 10 and 28 (replant), 1995. The site had previously been planted to grain sorghum for 10 consecutive years and a large johnsongrass and redvine infestation was predominate. A split plot design with four replications was used. Main-plot treatments were nine sequential combinations of preplant (fall/winter and/or March application) and preemergence herbicides designed to control winter and summer annual weeds. Individual treatments were: 1) Hip in the fall followed by (fb) Treflan [fall/winter = F/W, 1.25 lb ai/A (ai, active ingredient for all materials)] fb Treflan (March = M, 1.25 lb) fb Cotoran (Preemergence = PRE, 2.0 lb), 2) Treflan [F/W, 1.25 lb (Bladex 1.5 lb in 1995)] fb Bladex + Zorial (PRE, 1.2 lb + 1.6 lb), 3) Bladex [FW, 2.5 lb (1.5 lb in 1995)] fb Cotoran + Command (PRE. 2.0 lb + 1.0 lb), 4) Goal [F/W, 0.4 lb (0.3 lb in 1995)] fb Bladex [M, 1.5 lb (2.0 lb + Roundup D-Pak 1.0 lb in 1993)] fb Cotoran + Dual (PRE, 2.0 lb + 1.0 lb), 5) Goal [F/W, 0.4 lb (0.3 lb in 1995)] fb Weedar 64 (M, 1.0 lb in 1993, 1995) fb Cotoran + Dual (PRE, 2.0 lb + 1.0 lb), 6) Hip in the fall fb Roundup D-Pak (M, 1.0 lb) fb Cotoran (PRE, 2.0 lb), 7) Hip in the fall fb Weedar 64 (M, 1.0 lb) fb Cotoran + Command (PRE, 2.0 lb + 1.0 lb), 8) Zorial (F/W, 1.2 lb) fb Gramoxone Extra (M, 0.94 lb) fb Cotoran + Dual (PRE, 2.0 lb + 1.0 lb), and 9) Goal [F/W, 0.4 lb (0.3 lb in 1995)] fb Bladex [M, 1.5 lb (2.0 lb + Roundup D-Pak 1.0 lb in 1993)] fb Cotoran + Command (PRE, 2.0 lb + 1.0 lb). Sub-plot treatments were three sequentially-applied postemergence herbicides for controlling johnsongrass and/or redvine. Sub-plot treatments selected for johnsongrass control were (A) Select 0.094 lb/A applied broadcast three times in 1993 and two times each in 1994 and 1995, (B) Select 0.094 lb (broadcast rate) and (C) Assure 0.063 lb (broadcast rate) each applied to a 20-inch band centered on the row at the same time as the broadcast treatment. Sub-plot treatments selected for redvine control were (A) one flame cultivation (1993) and Roundup D-Pak applied between crop rows with a hooded sprayer at 1.5 lb ai/A two times in 1994 and one time in 1995, (B) two mechanical cultivations between rows in 1993 and one in 1994 fb Roundup D-Pak/hooded sprayer one time at 1.5 lb and Roundup D-Pak/hooded sprayer two times at 0.75 lb in 1995 and (C) two mechanical cultivations in 1993, three in 1994, and none in 1995. Crop injury and weed control were determined by visual estimation (0 = no control or injury, 100 = complete control or injury) and plant counts. Crop yield was measured by mechanically harvesting and weighing the seed cotton from the two center rows of each four-row sub-plot. Plot weights were converted to pounds per acre.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 1996 Beltwide Cotton Conferences pg. 1550
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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