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Influence of Reworkable Waste on Yarn Quality

Pamela Strause, Dr. Clarence Rogers, Wei Tian


The following is a preliminary study dealing with the effects of reworkable waste on yarn tenacity. Yarn was produced on the Uster Quickspin system. Samples without reworkable waste and with a blend of different types and amounts of waste were made for comparison. Including reworkable waste in a bale mix lay down may have a detrimental effect on yarn quality. With the addition of a combination of reclaimed fibers, reginned fibers, and opening room waste a 3% to 6% reduction in tenacity was observed. However, the various blends of waste were not found to be significantly different from each other.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 1996 Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 1334 - 1335
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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Document last modified Sunday, Dec 6 1998