Resistance was documented to representative chemicals from the three major classes of insecticides (carbamates, organophosphates and pyrethroids) used to control tobacco budworms, Heliothis virescens (F.), on cotton in the United States. Over 2100 male tobacco budworm moths were bioassayed for pyrethroid resistance from May through September 1995 against a 10 µg dose of cypermethrin utilizing the adult vial test. Pyrethroid resistance levels during 1995 were similar to 1994 levels. Also, 200 male tobacco budworm moths were bioassayed for resistance to profenofos using the adult vial test. Resistance to profenofos was lower than in 1994. Low densities of tobacco budworm populations generally persisted in Louisiana during 1995. However, field control failures did occur in fields with moderate to heavy tobacco budworm populations. Topical application bioassays of larval progeny from several 1995 field collections of tobacco budworms indicated significant resistance to carbamate, pyrethroid and organophosphate insecticides. Resistance to all three classes also was detected from the progeny of an Alabama field collection of tobacco budworm. Over 2100 male bollworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), moths were bioassayed against 1,2 and 5 µg/vial doses of cypermethrin. Data from these bioassays were similar to those obtained from 1988-1994, but indicate that bollworm susceptibility to pyrethroids may be changing.