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MVP® II: An Update on the Encapsulated Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt) Bioinsecticide

R.A. Haygood, P.S. Zorner, G.A. Bradfisch


MVP® II Bioinsecticide is produced using the same potent Cry IA (c) delta endotoxin derived from Bacillus thuringiensis variety kurstaki as MVP. The protein toxin in both products are encapsulated using Mycogen's patented CellCap® encapsulation system. The biological microcapsules protect the biotoxins from environmental degradation resulting in greater foliar persistence than traditional Bt products and more consistent control. One gallon of MVP II contains 1.8 lbs of delta endotoxin of B. thuringiensis variety kurstaki encapsulated in killed Pseudomonas fluorescens as compared to 0.9 lbs for MVP. All other aspects of the formulation are the same. The primary benefit of the concentrate formulation is that there are half the containers to store, transport and dispose of. Field evaluations conducted in 1995 demonstrated that MVP II provides the same effective control of tobacco budworm and cotton bollworm as MVP when used at one half the use rate.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 1996 Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 902 - 905
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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Document last modified Sunday, Dec 6 1998