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Contrasts of Three Insecticide Resistance Monitoring Methods for Whitefly

A.L. Simmons, T.J. Dennehy


Three resistance monitoring methods were tested to evaluate their relative reliability, discriminating ability, convenience, and practicality for monitoring insecticide resistance in Arizona whiteflies. Adult whiteflies were collected from the field and tested in the laboratory with three methods: leaf disk, sticky trap, and vial. Each method was evaluated using a mixture of Danitol®; + Orthene®; and two single chemicals, Thiodan®; and Danitol®;, against two populations divergent in susceptibility. The Yuma population was relatively susceptible and the Gila River Basin population highly resistant. Correlations of field efficacy and leaf disk bioassays were conducted with the Yuma population and a comparatively resistant Maricopa population. At each location egg, immature, and adult whitefly densities were monitored before and after Danitol®; + Orthene®; treatments and resistance estimates were also monitored in the populations using leaf disk bioassays.

Our results illustrated that the leaf disk method had the greatest discriminating ability between susceptible and resistant populations. The results also indicated that the vial method was the most practical, and that the sticky trap method was good at discriminating between populations which have large differences in susceptibility. The field efficacy trials indicated results from leaf disk assays reflected what had occurred in the field.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 1996 Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 748 - 752
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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Document last modified Sunday, Dec 6 1998