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49th Annual Conference Report on Cotton Insect Research and Control

D.D. Hardee, G.A. Herzog


In 1995, there were approximately 15,889,000 acres of cotton (Upland and Pima) harvested in the U.S. with an average yield of 1.15 bales per acre (480-lb bales) amounting to a 18,325,700 bale production (USDA--December 11, 1995 report). Harvested acreage increased 18.6% but total production decreased 6.8% compared to 1994, indicating a yield decrease of about 17%. Arthropod pests reduced overall yield by 11.08%, one of the highest ever, in spite of control measures which cost an average of $57.93 per acre. The bollworm/budworm complex was still the number one pest in the U.S. with a yield reduction of 3.97%. Eighty-two percent (82%) of the acreage was infested with bollworm/budworm in 1995, requiring 2.4 applications of insecticide per acre. Beet armyworms were second in 1995, reducing yields by 1.68%. Boll weevils were a close third at 1.66% reduction in 1995. These pests infested about 62% of the country's cotton crop and required about 2.0 applications of insecticide per acre. Aphids were the fourth most severe pest at 1.09%, and Lygus a severe pest in the far west in 1995, dropped to fifth place at 1.02% reduction. Spider mites, whiteflies, and thrips were also costly pests in 1995. Total cost of management and loss to insects to the 1995 crop exceeded $1.68 billion (see M. R. Williams, these proceedings).

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 1996 Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 643 - 669
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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