Ten cotton germplasm lines, PD-3-14, PD 93030, PD 93034, PD 93057, PD 93007, PD 93043, PD 93046, PD 93009, PD 93019, and PD 93021, combining high yield potential, excellent fiber quality, and variable maturity were released in 1995. This germplasm represents another level of improvement in lint yield and fiber quality over that of 'PD-3,' a southeastern USA cultivar with an unusual combination of high lint yield and excellent fiber and spinning properties. The germplasm line PD-3-14 was the result of a selection program to reduce the frequency of the frego bract trait in PD-3. In three years of evaluation in full-season tests, PD-3-14 outyielded PD-3 by an average of 7%. The yarn strength of PD-3-14 also averaged 2% higher than PD-3, with fiber strength, length, and micronaire being similar. The remaining nine germplasm lines were derived from a factorial mating design among Pee Dee germplasm lines. They were evaluated in full-season (8 May) and late-planted (10 June) tests. In full-season trials, PD 93030, PD 93034, and PD 93057 averaged 2%, 8%, and 10% higher lint yield, respectively, than PD-3. These lines also averaged 3-4% better yarn strength than PD-3. In late-planted trials, PD 93007, PD 93043, and PD 93046 are earlier maturing than PD-3, and averaged 20%, 27%, and 21%, respectively, better lint yield. Their yarn strength is similar to that of PD-3. PD 93009, PD 93019, and PD 93021 exhibit yield superiority over PD-3 when evaluated in both full-season and late-planted trials. Compared with PD-3, PD 93009, PD 93019, and PD 93021 averaged 12%, 8%, and 5%, respectively, higher yield. Fiber properties and yarn strength of PD 93009 and PD 93019 are similar to PD-3, while the yarn strength of PD 93021 averages 3% higher.