A farmer's cotton field with a very high level of reniform nematodes was selected for a nematicide/insecticide control study in Northwestern Alabama in 1995. A 7 lb/A rate of Temik 15G applied in-furrow at planting reduced the reniform nematode populations and increased seed cotton yield by over 500 lb/A compared to no nematicide. Addition of two foliar Vydate 2E (0.25 ai) sprays in June, where Temik was applied in-furrow, further reduced the reniform nematode population and increased seed cotton yields 200 lb/A compared to Temik alone. An additional 10.5 lb/A of Temik 15G in June also had a similar effect on the reniform nematode population and cotton yields as the Vydate sprays. Thrips were controlled effectively by the in-furrow treatments and boll weevil eradication sprays controlled all early season insects. Since the nematicide/insecticide treatments reduced the reniform population, yield increases were due to reniform nematode control.