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Report of the Nematode Management Committee—1995

J.D. Mueller


The major activity for 1995 was the presentation of the "Nematode Workshop" at the 1995 Beltwide Cotton Conference at San Antonio. The workshop was very well attended with over 400 people visiting the ten different display areas. Growers were especially interested in the displays of live nematodes.

Members of the Nematode Management Committee are very active. Many of the activities it would normally carry out such as yield loss assessment are being carried out by the Beltwide Nematode Survey group sponsored by the National Cotton Council. Documenting yield losses caused by reniform nematode and its spread across the cotton belt are one of the primary concerns of this group as well as establishing appropriate control methods for this nematode.

In 1995 the group will probably try to publish a separate set of yield loss estimates for each of the major nematode species. In addition they will try to collate nematode damage thresholds from each of the states and private nematode labs in the cotton belt. The group may also try to do some limited work on comparing cotton cultivars for yield losses in reniform nematode infested fields.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 1996 Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 237 - 238
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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