Lint Cleaner Management for Quality and Turnout

William F. Lalor


Management of lint cleaners is one of the principal factors affecting marketable yield and quality--in other words, grade, staple and turnout. Anthony an Wesley (1982) reviewed the results of the principal research projects that have contributed to our knowledge about the way in which a grower's total revenue from seed cotton delivered to the gin can be affected by gin machinery. Lint cleaning always reduces turnout because it removes marketable weigh from the bale. Lint cleaners usually increase grad and they often reduce staple length. The way in which the management of lint cleaners affects the total market value of seed cotton brought to the gin will be reviewed in this paper. The ways in which compromise can be made between the maximum turnout and the maximum quality will be examined and related to differentials in price between various grades of cotton.

Reprinted from 1985 Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences pp. 314 - 318
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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