A New Cotton Marketing Method-Delivery on the New York Cotton Exchange

W. Neely Mallory, Jr.


A battleground, a safe haven, a marketing opportunity-the New York Cotton Exchange is many things. For the speculator it is an arena of excitement and opportunity and danger; for the holder of large inventories, including the grower, for the textile mill it's a place to fix costs or sales prices--to hedge the risk and uncertainty. For the producer it can be a more rewarding way to market the physical bale.

For years a few growers have delivered cotton on the New York Exchange at a $10-$40 advantage over those who have marketed their cotton in a traditional manner. Until the last year or two the number using the Exchange to market their cotton has not grown, for many producers perceived the delivery process to be a complicated one, wrought with danger. And indeed it can be, but handled by experienced people--with the proper computer programs-the process can be very routine. Now there are services available to producers to handle the delivery process and one would expect to see an increase in delivery by growers.

Reprinted from 1992 Proceedings Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 126 - 127
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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