Why the Bumper Yields in 1991?

Thomas A. Kerby


Yields for 1991 have been far in excess of what most experts thought was possible considering the lateness of plantings all across the U.S. In California, March rains delayed plantings and temperatures remained below normal until July. Extra degree days (DD60) in the spring improve yields while summer DD decrease yields. Based on 1991 temperature data and yield trends, average California yield should have been 1142 lbs/A lint. The December estimate was 1244 lbs/A. I feel this result is associated with record early fruit retention, with improved grower management ability as the result of monitoring plant development, proper use of tools to promote earliness, and with favorable fall temperatures.

Reprinted from 1992 Proceedings Beltwide Cotton Conferences pg. 86
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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