Cythion ULV (Malathion Concentrate) for Control of Boll Weevils and Secondary Cotton Insect Pests

William C. Jany


CYTHION ULV was compared in a series of extension and private consultant cotton insecticide field demonstrations in Mississippi during 1982. CYTHION ULV provided excellent boll weevil control and exhibited a longer residual control of weevils than other insecticides evaluated. CYTHION ULV also provided excellent control of the cotton and green peach aphid in several demonstrations. Tank mix combinations of CYTHION ULV and synthetic pyrethroids such as PAY-OFF and the use of CYTHION ULV in between pyrethroid applications was shown to provide broad spectrum cotton insect control, safe to handle com pared to other weevil insecticide-pyrethroid combinations and provided an economic advantage over other weevil insecticides-pyrethroid combinations.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 1983 Beltwide Cotton Production- Mechanization Conference pp. 86 - 88
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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