Synergism of Permethrin by Formamidines: A Comparison of Chlordimeform and Amitraz in Resistant and Susceptible Heliothis Virescens Populations

P.O.P. Mosupi, L.I. Terry, and T.F. Watson


Laboratory tests were conducted to evaluate the ability of three formamidines to synergize permethrin in tobacco budworm (TBW), Heliothis virescens (F), using a topical application of 1:1 wt/wt ratio of permethrin + formamidine against third instar larvae of susceptible and resistant strains. There was no synergism found with the permethrin + formamidine combinations against the susceptible strain, a slight synergism was found in a field strain, and an increased synergism was shown in the resistant strain, in which chlordimeform (CDF) and SN 49844 (an analogue of amitraz) showed a higher degree of synergism than amitraz.

A comparison study to test the synergistic effects of combinations against a cross-bred strain of a laboratory resistant and a laboratory susceptible strain showed slight synergism with the SN 49844 but no synergism with amitraz.

Reprinted from 1990 Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences pp. 231 - 235
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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