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Analysis of Site-Specific Irrigation with Gossym Simulation Model

R.W. Clouse and S.W. Searcy


Development of site-specific irrigation systems requires tools and techniques for making decisions with the increased management complexities that these systems cause. Crop simulation models represent a quick and efficient way to evaluate potential management alternatives. Effects of different irrigation application rates on a hypothetical field comprised of two soils with equal areas were evaluated in this study. The situation examined was for the Texas High Plains cotton growing region. Differences in yield response for the different soils led to increases in overall field yield for site-specific irrigation as compared to uniform irrigation. Increases in yield would increase revenue from the field, which is a potential reason for implementing a site-specific irrigation system. Yield increases did not occur in each simulation year, thus anticipated revenue increases would need considered over a period of several years.

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Document last modified April 16, 2003