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Proposed Changes for American Pima Standards and Classification

Lee Gibson


The AMS Cotton Program provides classification services on American Pima cotton for producers located primarily in the western and southwestern areas of the Cotton Belt. Approximately 660,000 samples of American Pima cotton will be classed at the Phoenix, Arizona and Visalia, California classing offices during the 1999 - 2000 cotton season.

The current classification system for American Pima includes a composite grade determined by comparison to the USDA standards for American Pima. On September 15, 1999 the Cotton Program received a formal request from the Supima Association of America to amend the method for grading American Pima cotton to allow for separate classer determinations for color and leaf content. Informal contacts with various industry leaders involved with American Pima indicate there is widespread support for moving forward with the request.

The Cotton Program is currently in the process of proposing changes to the existing American Pima standards and classification system to accommodate this request. If adopted, the proposed American Pima standards and classification system would be in effect for the 2001 cotton crop.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 2000 Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 1581 - 1582
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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Document last modified Saturday, Jun 17 2000