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Deep Tillage in The North Delta

B.J. Phipps, A.S. Phillips and B.J. Tanner


Deep tillage was compared to tillage using three tillage methods; no-till, reduced and conventional tillage. In one trial where reduced tillage was practiced we had substantial increases in yield the first two years with only a small increase in yield the third year. The deep tillage using a para-till plow was used each year. The deep tilled plots showed much less water stress than the control. In another trial deep tillage was compared to non deep plowed plots in no-till, reduced, and conventional tillage. These were deep plowed in 1998 before planting and were not deep tilled in 1999. The first year there was a large increase in yield in all of the tillage methods. However, in 1999 the no-till deep tilled plot yielded less than the unplowed no-till plot.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 2000 Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 43 - 44
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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