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Preliminary Comparison of Cleaning Efficiencies of 24-D and 16-D Lint Cleaners

W. Stanley Anthony and Gino J. Mangialardi, Jr.


A saw-type lint cleaner equipped with a 16-inch diameter cleaning saw cylinder was compared to one with a 24-inch diameter saw cylinder individually and in combination. Based on Shirley Analyzer lint foreign matter content, the 24-D lint cleaner removed more foreign matter than did the 16-D lint cleaner when either used alone or in combination with another 16-D lint cleaner. The amount of material removed per bale by the 24-D lint cleaner was about one pound more than that removed by the 16-D lint cleaner. The 24-D lint cleaner had a higher cleaning efficiency than did the 16-D lint cleaner either when used alone or in combination with a 16-D lint cleaner. From a classer's leaf grade standpoint, the 24-D was about ½ leaf grade better than the 16-D. In terms of improvement in the color of the cotton, there was essentially no difference between the 24-D and the 16-D. The 24-D produced bales with a higher monetary value than the 16-D. The 24-D lint cleaner is superior to the 16-D lint cleaner in terms of cleaning efficiency and bale value. This study represents the response of two cottons grown near Stoneville, MS, and other cottons may respond differently.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 1997 Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 1578 - 1583
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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Document last modified Sunday, Dec 6 1998