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Whole Cottonseed Research & Promotion Program at Cotton Incorporated

T.C. Wedegaertner and W.F. Lalor


The current cottonseed program was initiated after the record 1991 cottonseed crop exceeded the capacity of the storage and handling infrastructure and the price U.S. growers received for their seed fell to just $71 per ton. The goal of Cotton Incorporated's cottonseed program is to increase the value of cottonseed through research and marketing. Cottonseed marketing efforts include all aspects of a typical promotion campaign including advertising (print and radio) publicity, direct mail as well as direct contact (trade shows and nutrition conferences). The research program focuses on solving short-term problems through innovative approaches as well as long-term research efforts. The elimination of gossypol from the seed is the cornerstone of the long-term research. Other approaches to increasing the value of cottonseed include innovative solutions to storage and handling difficulties, such as the use of agricultural forage bags to store cottonseed and a starch coating process that facilitates handling. In addition, the use of cottonseed in beef range blocks is being evaluated. Based on a three-year running average of the total value of the cottonseed crop (at the grower level), these efforts are having a positive impact on total cotton grower revenue.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 1997 Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 398 - 399
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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Document last modified Sunday, Dec 6 1998